About us


Corporate Responsibility is part of our identity as we fully embrace our responsibility to actively contribute towards a sustainable economy and a positive impact to society. Our institutional mindset highlights our responsible approach to investing and commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Our goal is to enhance control of downside risks and optimize investment outcomes. Building better futures through sound corporate governance is important to our employees, clients and other stakeholders, and key to securing our future. To drive this mission, we work with industry groups and our peers to drive the adoption of best practices across the broader industry.

7Q at a Glance

7Q Asset Management is an independent alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) offering its clients an innovative range of investment strategies and products. These strategies include core and thematic strategies, REIT and systematic products.

7Q serves a diverse investor base that includes Pension and Provident Funds, Insurance Companies and other institutional investors as well as High Net Worth Individuals.

We also act as advisors and guardians to AIF promoters in structuring their investment ideas into successful funds by offering a Turnkey Solution including establishment, regulatory compliance and fund administration, providing Portfolio Management and Risk Management services being the main functions performed under AIFMD.

Meet the Team

Andreas Hadjikyrou

Executive Director, Chief Investment Officer

Yiannos Stavrinides

Executive Director, Risk Manager

Anthia Serdari

Group Compliance Officer & AMLCO

Michalis Pekris

Non-Executive Director

George Triantafilidis

Non-Executive Director

Our History

Investment Stewardship

At 7Q Asset Management we are committed to promoting and exercising effective stewardship among the companies represented in the funds we manage, aligned with long-term value creation. We are actively engaging with the management bodies of our target investments and our stakeholders, to address risks and opportunities and support strategies that can deliver long-term success.

What we stand for

We follow our own path

We invest responsibly and are personally committed to our clients’ success through co-investment.

We embrace technology

To drive innovation and keep up with digitization.

We always act honestly and fairly

To earn stakeholders and the community trust through work quality and high ethical standards.

We advocate sustainability

To positively influence market participant behavior and promote good corporate cultures.